

CE2: towards a large scale hybrid search engine with integrated ranking support

14 years 5 months ago
CE2: towards a large scale hybrid search engine with integrated ranking support
The Web contains a large amount of documents and increasingly, also semantic data in the form of RDF triples. Many of these triples are annotations that are associated with documents. While structured query is the principal mean to retrieve semantic data, keyword queries are typically used for document retrieval. Clearly, a form of hybrid search that seamlessly integrates these formalisms to query both documents and semantic data can address more complex information needs. In this paper, we present CE2 , an integrated solution that leverages mature database and information retrieval technologies to tackle challenges in hybrid search on the large scale. For scalable storage, CE2 integrates database with inverted indices. Hybrid query processing is supported in CE2 through novel algorithms and data structures, which allow for advanced ranking schemes to be integrated more tightly into the process. Experiments conducted on Dbpedia and Wikipedia show that CE2 can provide good performance ...
Haofen Wang, Thanh Tran, Chang Liu
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CIKM
Authors Haofen Wang, Thanh Tran, Chang Liu
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