

Cellular universal IP: a low delay mobility scheme based on universal IP addressing

14 years 8 months ago
Cellular universal IP: a low delay mobility scheme based on universal IP addressing
The concept of care-of-address (CoA) is a major cause of excessive handoff delay in Mobile IPv6 for real time multimedia traffic. Many schemes eliminate the use of CoA at the micromobility scale, but leave the macro-mobility unsolved. This paper proposes a novel alternative IPv6 mobility scheme based on universal addressing – Cellular Universal IP (CUIP) – for realtime traffic in wireless access networks. In CUIP, a mobile node is addressed with a universal IP address regardless of its location, making CoA and tunneling unnecessary in micromobility and even macromobility handoffs. CUIP manages roaming and handoff differently – whereas explicit signaling is used for roaming, a handoff-on-the-fly route-update scheme is used during handoff to embed signaling information into the outgoing data packets to minimize handoff delay. We prove analytically that, on average, fewer than three routers need to be updated per handoff. As a result, CUIP incurs an expected network layer handoff d...
Patrick P. Lam, Soung C. Liew, Jack Y. B. Lee
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Patrick P. Lam, Soung C. Liew, Jack Y. B. Lee
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