

Certifying Solutions to Permutation Group Problems

15 years 2 months ago
Certifying Solutions to Permutation Group Problems
We describe the integration of permutation group algorithms with proof planning. We consider eight basic questions arising in computational permutation group theory, for which our code provides both answers and a set of certificates enabling a user, or an intelligent software system, to provide a full proof of correctness of the answer. To guarantee correctness we use proof planning techniques, which construct proofs in a human-oriented reasoning style. This gives the human mathematician the necessary insight into the computed solution, as well as making it feasible to check the solution for relatively large groups.
Arjeh M. Cohen, Scott H. Murray, Martin Pollet, Vo
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CADE
Authors Arjeh M. Cohen, Scott H. Murray, Martin Pollet, Volker Sorge
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