

Chainsaw: Eliminating Trees from Overlay Multicast

14 years 7 months ago
Chainsaw: Eliminating Trees from Overlay Multicast
In this paper, we present Chainsaw, a p2p overlay multicast system that completely eliminates trees. Peers are notified of new packets by their neighbors and must explicitly request a packet from a neighbor in order to receive it. This way, duplicate data can be eliminated and a peer can ensure it receives all packets. We show with simulations that Chainsaw has a short startup time, good resilience to catastrophic failure and essentially no packet loss. We support this argument with real-world experiments on Planetlab and compare Chainsaw to Bullet and Splitstream using MACEDON.
Vinay S. Pai, Kapil Kumar, Karthik Tamilmani, Vina
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Vinay S. Pai, Kapil Kumar, Karthik Tamilmani, Vinay Sambamurthy, Alexander E. Mohr
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