

Challenge: ubiquitous location-aware computing and the "place lab" initiative

14 years 7 months ago
Challenge: ubiquitous location-aware computing and the "place lab" initiative
To be widely adopted, location-aware computing must be as effortless, familiar and rewarding as web search tools like Google. We envisage the global scale Place Lab, consisting of an open software base and a community building activity as a way to bootstrap the broad adoption of location-aware computing. The initiative is a laboratory because it will also be a vehicle for research and instruction, especially in the formative stages. The authors draw on their experiences with campus and building-scale location systems to identify the technological and social barriers to a truly ubiquitous deployment. With a grasp of these “barriers to adoption,” we present a usage scenario, the problems in realizing this scenario, and how these problems will be addressed. We conclude with a sketch of the multi-organization cooperative being formed to move this effort forward. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.4 [Distributed Systems]: Distributed databases, Security, integrity, and protection; ...
Bill N. Schilit, Anthony LaMarca, Gaetano Borriell
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Bill N. Schilit, Anthony LaMarca, Gaetano Borriello, William G. Griswold, David W. McDonald, Edward D. Lazowska, Anand Balachandran, Jason I. Hong, Vaughn Iverson
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