

Challenging issues in iterative intelligent medical search

14 years 6 months ago
Challenging issues in iterative intelligent medical search
Searching for medical information on the Web is highly popular these days. To facilitate ordinary people to perform medical search and preliminary disease self-diagnosis, we have built an intelligent medical Web search engine called iMed. iMed introduces and extends pattern recognition and expert system technology into the search engine domain. It uses medical knowledge and an interactive questionnaire to help searchers form queries. Due to searchers’ limited medical knowledge and the task’s inherent difficulty, searchers often cannot find desired search results in a single pass and have to search iteratively for multiple passes. For this purpose, iMed provides an iterative search advisor that guides searchers to refine their inputs. Based on our experience in building and using iMed, this paper summarizes the common difficulties faced by ordinary medical information searchers and the research issues that deserve attention from people working in the pattern recognition and medical...
Gang Luo, Chunqiang Tang
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICPR
Authors Gang Luo, Chunqiang Tang
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