

Channel Assignment on Strongly-Simplicial Graphs

14 years 7 months ago
Channel Assignment on Strongly-Simplicial Graphs
Given a vector ( 1 2 ::: t) of non increasing positive integers, and an undirected graph G = (V E), an L( 1 2 ::: t)-coloring of G is a function f from the vertex set V to a set of nonnegative integerssuch that jf(u) ; f(v)j i, if d(u v) = i 1 i t where d(u v) is the distance (i.e. the minimum number of edges) between the vertices u and v. This paper presents e cient algorithms for nding optimal L(1 ::: 1)-colorings of trees and interval graphs. Moreover, e cient algorithms are also provided for nding approximate L( 1 1 ::: 1)-colorings of trees and interval graphs, as well as appr oximateL( 1 2)colorings of unit interval graphs.
Alan A. Bertossi, Maria Cristina Pinotti, Romeo Ri
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where IPPS
Authors Alan A. Bertossi, Maria Cristina Pinotti, Romeo Rizzi
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