

Channel Capacity Limitations versus Hardware Implementation for UWB Impulse Radio Communications

14 years 3 months ago
Channel Capacity Limitations versus Hardware Implementation for UWB Impulse Radio Communications
Abstract. Starting from the Shannon channel capacity, we propose an IRUWB channel capacity based on the delay spread for multipath time variant channels. This IR-UWB channel capacity is obtained from the no ISI (Inter Symbol Interference) assumption and for binary modulations. The impact of the kind of implementation is considered on the IR-UWB channel capacity. This study is lead for mixed and mostly digital implementation. The key parameters and theirs impacts on the channel capacity are exposed in each case: the data converters for mostly digital implementations and the pulse generator capabilities for mixed implementations. Finally, these two implementations are compared from a data rate point of view. Their behaviors regarding an increase of the operating frequency are also studied. Key-words. A/D converters, channel capacity, implementation considerations, IR-UWB, mostly digital radio.
Aubin Lecointre, Daniela Dragomirescu, Robert Plan
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Aubin Lecointre, Daniela Dragomirescu, Robert Plana
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