

Channel sharing by multi-class rate adaptive streams: Performance region and optimization

14 years 3 months ago
Channel sharing by multi-class rate adaptive streams: Performance region and optimization
We consider the problem of channel sharing by rate adaptive streams belonging to various classes. The performance measure per class is the average scaled bandwidth allocated to connections in the class. We …rst provide a bandwidth adaptation policy that maximizes a linear combination of class performance measures; then, we use this result to characterize the region where the class performance measures lies under any bandwidth adaptation policy. Finally, based on the results above we use stochastic approximation techniques to provide a policy that optimizes a combination of concave rewards associated with class performance measures.
Nikos Argiriou, Leonidas Georgiadis
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CN
Authors Nikos Argiriou, Leonidas Georgiadis
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