

Characteristic relational patterns

15 years 1 months ago
Characteristic relational patterns
Research in relational data mining has two major directions: finding global models of a relational database and the discovery of local relational patterns within a database. While relational patterns show how attribute values co-occur in detail, their huge numbers hamper their usage in data analysis. Global models, on the other hand, only provide a summary of how different tables and their attributes relate to each other, lacking detail of what is going on at the local level. In this paper we introduce a new approach that combines the positive properties of both directions: it provides a detailed description of the complete database using a small set of patterns. More in particular, we utilise a rich pattern language and show how a database can be encoded by such patterns. Then, based on the MDLprinciple, the novel RDB-KRIMP algorithm selects the set of patterns that allows for the most succinct encoding of the database. This set, the code table, is a compact description of the databa...
Arne Koopman, Arno Siebes
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where KDD
Authors Arne Koopman, Arno Siebes
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