

Characterizing Diagrams Produced by Individuals and Dyads

14 years 5 months ago
Characterizing Diagrams Produced by Individuals and Dyads
Diagrams are an effective means of conveying concrete, abstract or symbolic information about systems. Here, individuals or pairs of participants produced assembly instructions after assembling an object. When working individually, nearly all participants used a combination of text and diagrams. Those high in spatial ability produced the step-by-step action diagrams that in later studies were rated higher by all and improved performance of low ability participants. In a second experiment, pairs of participants assembled the object and produced instructions jointly. Pairs assembled the object faster and more accurately than individuals. Surprisingly, in the instructions produced, fewer than half the dyads used diagrams, and dyads produced fewer of the more effective diagrams. We speculate that the social verbal nature of the interactions of pairs encouraged verbal instructions.
Julie Heiser, Barbara Tversky
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Julie Heiser, Barbara Tversky
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