

Characterizing the Space of interatomic Distance Distribution Functions Consistent with Solution Scattering Data

14 years 1 months ago
Characterizing the Space of interatomic Distance Distribution Functions Consistent with Solution Scattering Data
: Scattering of neutrons and x-rays from molecules in solution offers alternative approaches to the studying of a wide range of macromolecular structures in their solution state without the need of crystallization. In this paper, we study one part of the problem of elucidating three-dimensional structure from solution scattering data, determining the distribution of interatomic distances, P(r). This problem is known to be ill-conditioned; for a single observed diffraction pattern, there may be many consistent distance distribution functions. Due to the ill conditioning, there is a risk of overfitting the observed scattering data. We propose a new approach to avoiding this problem, accepting the validity of multiple alternative P(r) curves rather than seeking a single “best”. We show that there are linear constraints that ensure that a computed P(r) is consistent with the experimental data. The constraints enforce smoothness in the P(r) curve, ensure that the P(r) curve is a prob...
Paritosh A. Kavathekar, Bruce A. Craig, Alan M. Fr
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JBCB
Authors Paritosh A. Kavathekar, Bruce A. Craig, Alan M. Friedman, Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Devin J. Balkcom
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