

Checking Polynomial Identities over any Field: Towards a Derandomization?

14 years 7 months ago
Checking Polynomial Identities over any Field: Towards a Derandomization?
We present a Monte Carlo algorithm for testing multivariate polynomial identities over any field using fewer random bits than other methods. To test if a polynomial P(x1 ::: xn) is zero, our method uses Pn i=1dlog(di + 1)e random bits , where di is the degree of xi in P, to obtain any inverse polynomial error in polynomial time. The algorithm applies to polynomials given as a black box or in some implicit representation such as a straight-line program. Our method works by evaluating P at truncated formal power series representing square roots of irreducible polynomials over the field. This approach is similar to that of Chen and Kao [CK97], but with the advantage that the techniques are purely algebraic and apply to any field. We also prove a lower bound showing that the number of random bits used by our algorithm is essentially optimal in the black-box model.
Daniel Lewin, Salil P. Vadhan
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where STOC
Authors Daniel Lewin, Salil P. Vadhan
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