

Chemical Crossover

14 years 5 months ago
Chemical Crossover
During chemical reactions, molecules interact to produce new molecules. Some of the reaction mechanisms are very close to the way gene combine to produce new genes. Like the classical genetic crossover operator, chemical crossover occurs when two molecules exchange the atomic material they are composed of. Molecules do so in order to produce new and more stable molecules. Several differences exist however between the genetic crossover and its chemical version. Molecules are not coded as binary string but as computational tree instead. Moreover this computational tree, due to the symmetry in the way atoms are connected, must be organized in a strictly ordered way. Following a crossover, the resulting molecules must be reshaped according to precise organization rules. The crossover involves the exchange of single or multiple links. The fitness is distributed through the molecule such that only "better" molecules can result from the crossover. In this paper the chemical crossov...
Hugues Bersini
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Hugues Bersini
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