

An On-Chip Dynamically Recalibrated Delay Line for Embedded Self-Timed Systems

14 years 6 months ago
An On-Chip Dynamically Recalibrated Delay Line for Embedded Self-Timed Systems
Self-timed systems often have to communicate with their environment through a clocked interface. For example, off-chip memory may require clocking and this can reduce the benefits of self-timed design. This paper presents the design of a delay line which may be used to control the timing of an off-chip interface. Timing accuracy is maintained by periodically recalibrating against a low frequency reference clock. The design uses two delay lines so that one can be recalibrated while the other is in use. Recalibration is undertaken once each second; power consumption is low as the calibration circuitry is dormant most of the time. A particular implementation of the design is presented which is suitable for a standard cell or FPGA technology, together with experimental performance figures. The paper concludes with some remarks about possible applications in low-power synchronous design.
George S. Taylor, Simon W. Moore, Steve Wilcox, Pe
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors George S. Taylor, Simon W. Moore, Steve Wilcox, Peter Robinson
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