

ChucK: a programming language for on-the-fly, real-time audio synthesis and multimedia

14 years 8 months ago
ChucK: a programming language for on-the-fly, real-time audio synthesis and multimedia
In this paper, we describe ChucK – a programming language and programming model for writing precisely timed, concurrent audio synthesis and multimedia programs. Precise concurrent audio programming has been an unsolved (and ill-defined) problem. ChucK provides a concurrent programming model that solves this problem and significantly enhances designing, developing, and reasoning about programs with complex audio timing. ChucK employs a novel data-driven timing mechanism and a related time-based synchronization model, both implemented in a virtual machine. We show how these features enable precise, concurrent audio programming and provide a high degree of programmability in writing real-time audio and multimedia programs. As an extension, programmers can use this model to write code on-thefly – while the program is running. These features provide a powerful programming tool for building and experimenting with complex audio synthesis and multimedia programs. Categories and Subject De...
Ge Wang, Perry R. Cook
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where MM
Authors Ge Wang, Perry R. Cook
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