

A Circulatory System Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks

14 years 6 months ago
A Circulatory System Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks
Abstract—One of the challenges in a military wireless sensor network is the determination of an information collection infrastructure which minimizes battery power consumption. The problem of determining the right information collection infrastructure can be viewed as a variation of the network design problem, with the additional constraints related to battery power minimization and redundancy. The problem in its generality is NP-hard and various heuristics have been developed over time to address various issues associated with it. In this paper, we propose a heuristic based on the mammalian circulatory system, which results in a better solution to the design problem than the state of the art alternatives.
Vasileios Pappas, Dinesh Verma, Ananthram Swami
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Vasileios Pappas, Dinesh Verma, Ananthram Swami
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