

A Class of Composable and Preemptible High-level Petri Nets with an Application to Multi-Tasking Systems

14 years 2 months ago
A Class of Composable and Preemptible High-level Petri Nets with an Application to Multi-Tasking Systems
This paper presents an extension of an algebra of high-level Petri nets with operations for suspension and abortion. These operations are sound with respect to the semantics of preemption, and can be applied to the modelling of the semantics of highlevel parallel programming languages with preemption-related features. As an illustration, the paper gives an application to the modelling of a multi-tasking system in a parallel programming language, which is provided with a concurrent semantics based on Petri nets and for which implemented tools can be used.
Hanna Klaudel, Franck Pommereau
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where FUIN
Authors Hanna Klaudel, Franck Pommereau
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