

Classification-Based Likelihood Functions for Bayesian Tracking

14 years 4 months ago
Classification-Based Likelihood Functions for Bayesian Tracking
The success of any Bayesian particle filtering based tracker relies heavily on the ability of the likelihood function to discriminate between the state that fits the image well and those that do not. This paper describes a general framework for learning probabilistic models of objects for exploiting these models for tracking objects in image sequences. We use a discriminative classifier to learn models of how they appear in images. In particular, we use a support vector machine (SVM) for training, which is able to extract useful non-linear information, and thus represent more complex characteristics of the tracked object and background. This is a particular advantage when tracking deformable objects and where appearance changes due to the unstable illumination and pose occur. A by-product of the SVM training procedure is the classification function, with which the tracking problem is cast into a binary classification problem. An object detector directly using the classification functi...
Chunhua Shen, Hongdong Li, Michael J. Brooks
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AVSS
Authors Chunhua Shen, Hongdong Li, Michael J. Brooks
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