

CLEAR Evaluation of Acoustic Event Detection and Classification Systems

14 years 4 months ago
CLEAR Evaluation of Acoustic Event Detection and Classification Systems
In this paper, we present the results of the Acoustic Event Detection (AED) and Classification (AEC) evaluations carried out in February 2006 by the three participant partners from the CHIL project. The primary evaluation task was AED of the testing portions of the isolated sound databases and seminar recordings produced in CHIL. Additionally, a secondary AEC evaluation task was designed using only the isolated sound databases. The set of meetingroom acoustic event classes and the metrics were agreed by the three partners and ELDA was in charge of the scoring task. In this paper, the various systems for the tasks of AED and AEC and their results are presented.
Andrey Temko, Robert Malkin, Christian Zieger, Dus
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Andrey Temko, Robert Malkin, Christian Zieger, Dusan Macho, Climent Nadeu, Maurizio Omologo
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