

Clustered Multi-media NOD: Popularity-based Article Prefetching and Placement

14 years 7 months ago
Clustered Multi-media NOD: Popularity-based Article Prefetching and Placement
According to the current profound development of multimedia and networking technologies, the way people communicate with, naturally, has evolved from a textoriented into a multimedia-oriented. But, the VOD system technologies can't be easily applied to MNOD system because of the difference of the basic data and its properties. This is the reason why we propose the MNOD system. NOD data composing news articles make a difference to VOD data in terms of media type and size, life cycle of articles and frequency of clients' interaction. Because of NOD data's intrinsic characteristics, NOD article popularity model may be different from that of VOD videos. Hence, we analyze statistically the log data of one electronic newspaper and show the popularity distribution of articles is different form Zipf's, which is a popularity model of VOD data. We propose a new article popularity model for NOD data, which we call Multi-Selection Zipf distribution. Also, we propose the articl...
Y.-J. Kim, Tae-uk Choi, K. O. Jung, Y. K. Kang, Se
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where MSS
Authors Y.-J. Kim, Tae-uk Choi, K. O. Jung, Y. K. Kang, Seong-Ho Park, Ki-Dong Chung
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