

Clustering in Virtual Plant Ecosystems

14 years 4 months ago
Clustering in Virtual Plant Ecosystems
The spatial plant distribution in virtual ecosystems is usually modeled by means of artificial life. Each plant is considered as a solitary element competing for its resources and obeying simple rules of behavior. Clustering, that is an important clue for visual perception, is achieved by sowing new plants close to their parents. In nature, plants aggregate to clusters that favor plants of the same kind. We introduce an approach that encompasses plant clusters by implicit curves. The clusters "behave" as compact units and plants inside the cluster have higher chance to survive. Clusters, in the contrary to individual plants, develop by grouped competition that provides visually plausible results, more convincing than those achieved by the previously published algorithms Keywords Virtual ecosystems, visual simulation, procedural modeling, plant competition, clustering
Bedrich Benes, J. M. Soto Guerrero
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSCG
Authors Bedrich Benes, J. M. Soto Guerrero
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