

Co-author Relationship Prediction in Heterogeneous Bibliographic Networks

13 years 3 months ago
Co-author Relationship Prediction in Heterogeneous Bibliographic Networks
—The problem of predicting links or interactions between objects in a network, is an important task in network analysis. Along this line, link prediction between co-authors in a co-author network is a frequently studied problem. In most of these studies, authors are considered in a homogeneous network, i.e., only one type of objects (author type) and one type of links (co-authorship) exist in the network. However, in a real bibliographic network, there are multiple types of objects (e.g., venues, topics, papers) and multiple types of links among these objects. In this paper, we study the problem of co-author relationship prediction in the heterogeneous bibliographic network, and a new methodology called PathPredict, i.e., meta path-based relationship prediction model, is proposed to solve this problem. First, meta path-based topological features are systematically extracted from the network. Then, a supervised model is used to learn the best weights associated with different topologi...
Yizhou Sun, Rick Barber, Manish Gupta, Charu C. Ag
Added 12 Dec 2011
Updated 12 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Yizhou Sun, Rick Barber, Manish Gupta, Charu C. Aggarwal, Jiawei Han
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