

Co-evolutionary modular neural networks for automatic problem decomposition

14 years 4 months ago
Co-evolutionary modular neural networks for automatic problem decomposition
Abstract- Decomposing a complex computational problem into sub-problems, which are computationally simpler to solve individually and which can be combined to produce a solution to the full problem, can efficiently lead to compact and general solutions. Modular neural networks represent one of the ways in which this divide-and-conquer strategy can be implemented. Here we present a co-evolutionary model which is used to design and optimize modular neural networks with taskspecific modules. The model consists of two populations. The first population consists of a pool of modules and the second population synthesizes complete systems by drawing elements from the pool of modules. Modules represent a part of the solution, which co-operates with others in the module population to form a complete solution. With the help of two artificial supervised learning tasks created by mixing two sub-tasks we demonstrate that if a particular task decomposition is better in terms of performance on the ...
Vineet R. Khare, Xin Yao, Bernhard Sendhoff, Yaoch
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CEC
Authors Vineet R. Khare, Xin Yao, Bernhard Sendhoff, Yaochu Jin, Heiko Wersing
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