

Co-operative ICT-supported learning. A practical approach to design

14 years 4 months ago
Co-operative ICT-supported learning. A practical approach to design
Abstract: Education is changing, following changes in society. The focus is shifting from teaching towards learning. And Informatics, more particularly Information and Communication Technology (ICT), is integral part of that learning. How to design effective learning situations? And how to design in such a way that the educational process of change is successful? Results are presented from an action research project in the Netherlands and a working party of the International Federation for Information Processing. 1 Changes in society and in education In the society of developed countries the demand for educated personnel is increasing because of a more knowledge intensive economy. In the Netherlands, for example, in 2003 a shortage of 200.000 higher educated workers is expected [SE99] developing into an expected shortage of 400.000 in 2007. These much needed “knowledge workers” are expected to be able to apply knowledge in real life working situations in which Information and Commu...
Tom J. van Weert
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Tom J. van Weert
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