

Coarse-Grain Time Slicing with Resource-Share Control in Parallel-Job Scheduling

14 years 6 months ago
Coarse-Grain Time Slicing with Resource-Share Control in Parallel-Job Scheduling
Abstract. We present a parallel job scheduling approach for coarsegrain timesharing which preempts jobs to disk and avoids any additional memory pressure. The approach provides control regarding the resource shares allocated to different job classes. We demonstrate that this approach significantly improves response times for short and medium jobs and that it permits controlling different desirable resource-shares for different job classes at different times of the day according to site policies.
Bryan Esbaugh, Angela C. Sodan
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where HPCC
Authors Bryan Esbaugh, Angela C. Sodan
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