

Code Compaction Using Genetic Algorithms

14 years 4 months ago
Code Compaction Using Genetic Algorithms
One method for compacting executable computer code is to replace commonly repeated sequences of instructions with macro instructions from a decoding dictionary. The size of the decoding dictionary is often smallin comparison to the number of all possible macros. Choosing the macros that yield the best compaction is a di cult subset selection problem because multiple, but colliding, macros may be applicable to many code segments. We show that a genetic algorithm using a new crossover operator, MSX, gives better compaction than heuristics designed speci cally for this problem. We also compare MSX with other crossover operators on a surrogate problem that models the essential properties of the code compaction problem.
Keith E. Mathias, Larry J. Eshelman, J. David Scha
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Keith E. Mathias, Larry J. Eshelman, J. David Schaffer, Lex Augusteijn, Paul F. Hoogendijk, Rik van de Wiel
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