

Code construction for the selective TDMA cooperative broadcast channel

14 years 6 months ago
Code construction for the selective TDMA cooperative broadcast channel
—In this paper, the selective time division multiple access (S-TDMA) strategy is studied in the downlink channel. This strategy consists in transmitting data to the user with the largest capacity. The diversity and multiplexing gains that can be achieved by this sub-optimal strategy are evaluated and then compared to the optimal gains over the broadcast channel. Codes construction is then proposed to achieve the diversity multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) of the S-TDMA. These codes are extended to the scenario of cooperating asynchronous broadcasting base stations where new codes that are suitable for this scenario are proposed and analyzed.
Lina Mroueh, Mohamed Oussama Damen, Stéphan
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Lina Mroueh, Mohamed Oussama Damen, Stéphanie Rouquette-Léveil, Ghaya Rekaya-Ben Othman, Jean-Claude Belfiore
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