

Coherence-driven argumentation to norm consensus

14 years 7 months ago
Coherence-driven argumentation to norm consensus
In this paper coherence-based models are proposed as an alternative to logic-based BDI and argumentation models for the reasoning of normative agents. A model is provided for how two coherence-based agents can deliberate on how to regulate a domain of interest. First a deductive coherence model presented, in which the coherence values are derived from the deduction relation of an underlying logic; this makes it possible to identify the reasons for why a proposition is accepted or rejected. Then it is shown how coherence-driven agents can generate candidate norms for deliberation, after which a dialogue protocol for such deliberations is proposed. The resulting model is compared to current logicbased argumentation systems for deliberation over action.
Sindhu Joseph, Henry Prakken
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Sindhu Joseph, Henry Prakken
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