

A Collaborative Electronic Laboratory Notebook

14 years 1 months ago
A Collaborative Electronic Laboratory Notebook
We have developed a secure, collaborative, web-based electronic notebook (EN) designed to provide researchers and students with a means to record and share their primary research notes and data. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) supports a variety of common multimedia formats and can easily be extended to allow entry and display of custom data types. Based on a combination of Java, JavaScript, and Perl, the ELN provides a hierarchical chapter/page structure for organizing entries and includes features such as search, automated email notification of new entries, and a programmatic interface for automated data submission. The most recent version also includes public-key authentication and digital signatures. The ELN is being used in a variety of scientific research projects at PNNL and is publicly available from our website. Experience at our laboratory and a variety of collaborating institutions suggests that the unique capabilities o...
James D. Myers, Elena S. Mendoza, B. Hoopes
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where IMSA
Authors James D. Myers, Elena S. Mendoza, B. Hoopes
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