

Collaborative Integration of Speech and 3D Gesture for Map-Based Applications

14 years 7 months ago
Collaborative Integration of Speech and 3D Gesture for Map-Based Applications
QuickSet [6] is a multimodal system that gives users the capability to create and control map-based collaborative interactive simulations by supporting the simultaneous input from speech and pen gestures. In this paper, we report on the augmentation of the graphical pen input enabling the drawings to be formed by 3D hand movements. While pen and mouse can still be used for ink generation drawing can also occur with natural human pointing. To that extent, we use the hand to define a line in space, and consider its possible intersection point with a virtual paper that needs to be determined by the operator as a limited plane surface in the three dimensional space at the begin of the interaction session. The entire system can be seen as a collaborative body-centered alternative to the traditional mouse-, pen-, or keyboard-based multimodal graphical programs. Its potential applications include battlefield or crisis management, tele-medicine and other types of collaborative decision-making ...
Andrea Corradini
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICCS
Authors Andrea Corradini
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