

Collaborative ranking of grid-enabled workflow service providers

14 years 3 months ago
Collaborative ranking of grid-enabled workflow service providers
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Grid computing are very hot research topics, nowadays. While Grid computing is aimed at sharing dynamically heterogeneous resources, SOAs is a meta-architectural style that enable business flexibility in an interoperable way. There is a growing consensus that SOA(s) and Grid(s) might be beneficial to each other. In Grid-based SOAs a central role is played by tools for the publishing/discovering of services (resources). This work presents SPRanker (Service Provider Ranker): a service discovery tool that is able to retrieve providers from partially specified service descriptions. It ranks providers found on the basis of an Information Retrieval-based score formula that takes into account judgments expressed collaboratively by past service users. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.4 [Performance of Systems]: Measurement Techniques; D.2.10 [Software Engineering]: Design General Terms Performance, Design, Algorithms. Keywords SLA, QoS, SOA, Grid, I...
Domenico Laforenza, Franco Maria Nardini, Fabrizio
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where HPDC
Authors Domenico Laforenza, Franco Maria Nardini, Fabrizio Silvestri
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