

Collaboratively maintaining semantic consistency of heterogeneous concepts towards a common concept set

14 years 8 months ago
Collaboratively maintaining semantic consistency of heterogeneous concepts towards a common concept set
In e-business, creating a common concept set for business integration, interoperation and interaction has to consider the heterogeneity reality of different interpretations from multiple concept providers. Maintaining semantic consistency between multiple concept providers is a difficult problem. To solve this problem, this paper first reviewed the existing technologies of collaborative editing systems and consistency maintenance in the areas of both CSCW and e-business. Based on the discussion of existing technologies, it then proposes a novel CHCES approach, which divides a collaborative editing system into two layers in topology and introduces four strategies to edit common concepts between the two layers. A set of operations is designed, which demonstrates the solution. Author Keywords Semantic consistency, collaborative editing, concept ACM Classification Keywords H.5 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Group and Organization Interfaces – Collaborative computing; Web-bas...
Jingzhi Guo, Iok Ham Lam, Chun Chan, Guangyi Xiao
Added 10 Jul 2010
Updated 10 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where EICS
Authors Jingzhi Guo, Iok Ham Lam, Chun Chan, Guangyi Xiao
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