The difficulty of maintaining effective testbed partnerships, among users of computer-based tools and builders of those tools, has been an obstacle to the success of science collaboratories. Testbed partnerships are as essential for knowledge-tool advancement as that advancement is to the support of effective partnerships, because knowledge tools must be instituted in a context that truly augments (rather than merely tries to replicate) human inference in collaborative contexts. We propose a game framework for engaging content-tool users and context-tool developers in testbed partnerships, and an architecture for modular knowledge-tool integration, as initial steps in the effective advancement of knowledge capture and improvement of testbed partnerships. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.0 [INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL]: General General Terms Management, Design, Experimentation, Human Factors. Keywords Collabortories, Testbeds, Games, Hypotheses, Integration, and Modular
Mary A. Keeler, Heather D. Pfeiffer