

CollabRank: Towards a Collaborative Approach to Single-Document Keyphrase Extraction

14 years 3 months ago
CollabRank: Towards a Collaborative Approach to Single-Document Keyphrase Extraction
Previous methods usually conduct the keyphrase extraction task for single documents separately without interactions for each document, under the assumption that the documents are considered independent of each other. This paper proposes a novel approach named CollabRank to collaborative single-document keyphrase extraction by making use of mutual influences of multiple documents within a cluster context. CollabRank is implemented by first employing the clustering algorithm to obtain appropriate document clusters, and then using the graph-based ranking algorithm for collaborative single-document keyphrase extraction within each cluster. Experimental results demonstrate the encouraging performance of the proposed approach. Different clustering algorithms have been investigated and we find that the system performance relies positively on the quality of document clusters.
Xiaojun Wan, Jianguo Xiao
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Xiaojun Wan, Jianguo Xiao
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