

Collecting fragmentary authors in a digital library

14 years 10 months ago
Collecting fragmentary authors in a digital library
This paper discusses new work to represent, in a digital library of classical sources, authors whose works themselves are lost and who survive only where surviving authors quote, paraphrase or allude to them. It describes initial works from a digital collection of such fragmentary authors designed not only to capture but to extend the ontologies that traditional scholarship has developed over generations: the aim is representing every nuance of print conventions while using the capabilities of digital libraries to extend our ability to identify fragments, to represent what we have identified, and to render the results of that work intellectually and physically more accessible than was possible in print culture. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.7 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Digital Libraries – collection, dissemination, standards. General Terms Documentation, Performance, Standardization, Languages. Keywords Digital Libraries, Fragmentary Authors, Greek Fragmentary His...
Monica Berti, Matteo Romanello, Alison Babeu, Greg
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where JCDL
Authors Monica Berti, Matteo Romanello, Alison Babeu, Gregory Crane
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