The Collect problem for an asynchronous shared-memory system has the objective for the processors to learn all values of a collection of shared registers, while minimizing the total number of write operations. First abstracted by Saks, Shavit, and Woll [37], Collect is among the standard problems in distributed computing, The model consists of n asynchronous processes, each with a single-writer multi-reader register of a polynomial capacity. The best previously known deterministic solution performs O(n3/2 log n) reads and writes, and it is due to Ajtai, Aspnes, Dwork, and Waarts [3]. This paper presents a new deterministic algorithm that performs O(n log7 n) read/write operations, thus substantially improving the best previous upper bound. Using an approach based on epidemic rumor-spreading, the novelty of the new algorithm is in using a family of expander graphs and ensuring that each of the successive groups of processes collect and propagate suf?ciently many rumors to the next grou...
Bogdan S. Chlebus, Dariusz R. Kowalski, Alexander