

Collective Communications for Scalable Programming

14 years 6 months ago
Collective Communications for Scalable Programming
Abstract. HPJava is an environment for scientific and parallel programming using Java. It is based on an extended version of the Java language. One feature that HPJava adds to Java is a multi-dimensional array, or multiarray, with properties similar to the arrays of Fortran. We are using Adlib as our high-level collective communication library. Adlib was originally developed using C++ by the Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium (PCRC). Many functionalities of this high-level communication library is following its predecessor. However, many design issues are reconsidered and re-implemented according to Java environment. Detailed functionalities and implementation issues of this collective library will be described.
Sang Boem Lim, Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox, Han-
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ISPA
Authors Sang Boem Lim, Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox, Han-Ku Lee
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