

Color Pixels Classification in an Hybrid Color Space

15 years 4 months ago
Color Pixels Classification in an Hybrid Color Space
In this paper, we describe a new approach for color image segmentation which is considered as a problem of pixels classification. The algorithm is applied to classify pixels of soccer color images in order to recognize the team of players. The color pixels classification algorithm is achieved in a new color space, the Hybrid Color Space, which is determined thanks to a supervised learning scheme. This space is defined by the set of the three most discriminating color features selected among a set of classical color features.
Jack-Gérard Postaire, Ludovic Macaire, Nico
Added 26 Oct 2009
Updated 26 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ICIP
Authors Jack-Gérard Postaire, Ludovic Macaire, Nicolas Vandenbroucke
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