

Combinatorial method of splice sites prediction

14 years 8 months ago
Combinatorial method of splice sites prediction
Predicting and proper ranking of splice sites (SS) is a challenging problem in bioinformatics and machine learning communities. Proposed method of donor and acceptor SSs prediction is based on counting oligonucleotide frequencies for splice and splice-like signals. Based on bayesian principle SS sensors were built. We demonstrate advantage of our proposed sensor design compared with existing sensors and tools. In particular, our donor sensor outperforms Maximum Entropy Sensor for several representative test sets of genes when compared on Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. We represent combinatorial interaction of SSs and related factors with Logarithm Of oDds (LOD) weight matrices. Based on factor interactions we were able to substantially improve splice signals prediction quality and rank SSs better than SpliceView, GeneSplicer, NNSplice and Genio tools. Proposed method is used in our new splicing simulator SpliceScan.
Alexander G. Churbanov, Hesham H. Ali
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CSB
Authors Alexander G. Churbanov, Hesham H. Ali
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