

Combined Dynamic Tracking and Recognition of Curves with Application to Road Detection

15 years 4 months ago
Combined Dynamic Tracking and Recognition of Curves with Application to Road Detection
We present an algorithm that extracts the largest shape within a specificclass, starting from a set of image edgels. The algorithm inherits the Best-First Segmentation approach [jpt-iccv99]. However, instead of being applicable only to shapes defined within a given class of curves, we have extended our approach to tackle more general - and complex - shapes. For example, we can now process shapes obtained from sets defined over different kinds of curves and related to one another by estimated parameters. Therefore, we go from a segmentation problem to a recognition problem. In order to reduce the complexity of the searching algorithm, we work with a linearly parameterized class of shapes. This allows us, first, to use a recursive Least-Squares fitting, second, to cast the problem as the search of a largest edgel subset in a directed acyclic graph, and, third, to easily introduce a priori information on the location of the searched subset. This leads us to propose a unified approach wher...
Frederic Guichard, Jean-Philippe Tarel
Added 09 Nov 2009
Updated 04 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ICIP
Authors Frederic Guichard, Jean-Philippe Tarel
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