

Combining Case-Based Memory with Genetic Algorithm Search for Competent Game AI

14 years 7 months ago
Combining Case-Based Memory with Genetic Algorithm Search for Competent Game AI
We use case-injected genetic algorithms for learning how to competently play computer strategy games. Case-injected genetic algorithms combine genetic algorithm search with a case-based memory of past problem solving attempts to improve performance on subsequent similar problems. The case-injected genetic algorithm improves performance on later problems in the sequence by learning from cases recorded earlier in the sequence. Since game-play in strategy games usually boils down to optimally allocating resources to achieve in-game mission objectives, we describe how a case-injected genetic algorithm player can play our game by solving the sequence of resource allocation problems generated by opponent moves during game-play. When retrieving and using cases recorded from human game-play, results show that case injection effectively biases the genetic algorithm toward producing plans that contain appropriate elements of plans produced by human players.
Sushil J. Louis, Chris Miles
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Sushil J. Louis, Chris Miles
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