

Combining Data and Mathematical Models of Language Change

14 years 1 months ago
Combining Data and Mathematical Models of Language Change
English noun/verb (N/V) pairs (contract, cement) have undergone complex patterns of change between 3 stress patterns for several centuries. We describe a longitudinal dataset of N/V pair pronunciations, leading to a set of properties to be accounted for by any computational model. We analyze the dynamics of 5 dynamical systems models of linguistic populations, each derived from a model of learning by individuals. We compare each model's dynamics to a set of properties observed in the N/V data, and reason about how assumptions about individual learning affect population-level dynamics.
Morgan Sonderegger, Partha Niyogi
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ACL
Authors Morgan Sonderegger, Partha Niyogi
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