

Combining Derivations and Refutations for Cut-free Completeness in Bi-intuitionistic Logic

14 years 1 months ago
Combining Derivations and Refutations for Cut-free Completeness in Bi-intuitionistic Logic
Bi-intuitionistic logic is the union of intuitionistic and dual intuitionistic logic, and was introduced by Rauszer as a Hilbert calculus with algebraic and Kripke semantics. But her subsequent “cut-free” sequent calculus has recently been shown to fail cut-elimination. We present a new cut-free sequent calculus for bi-intuitionistic logic, and prove it sound and complete with respect to its Kripke semantics. Ensuring completeness is complicated by the interaction between intuitionistic implication and dual intuitionistic exclusion, similarly to future and past modalities in tense logic. Our calculus handles this interaction using derivations and refutations as first class citizens. We employ extended sequents which pass information from premises to conclusions using variables instantiated at the leaves of refutations, and rules which compose certain refutations and derivations to form derivations. Automated deduction using terminating backward search is also possible, although t...
Rajeev Goré, Linda Postniece
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Rajeev Goré, Linda Postniece
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