

Combining individual tutoring with automatic course sequencing in WBT systems

15 years 4 months ago
Combining individual tutoring with automatic course sequencing in WBT systems
Usually, the success of systems using automatic course sequencing depends strongly on careful authoring and foreseeing of all curriculum alternatives before any learning session even starts. We believe that tutors, starting from a simple generic curriculum, and assuming that they have the proper tools, can much easier create curriculum alternatives as immediate response to the current learning situation. In this paper we present a tool that provides a flexible environment for tutors allowing them to customize, and develop the curriculum on-the-fly. However, since individual tutoring is quite expensive we shortly discuss possibilities for enabling automatic adjustment of course curriculum to learners' needs by combining on-the-fly curriculum alternatives created by tutors with well-known automatic course sequencing techniques. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.4 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Hypertext/Hypermedia--Navigation; K.3.1 [Computer and Education]: Comput...
Denis Helic, Hermann A. Maurer, Nick Scerbakov
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WWW
Authors Denis Helic, Hermann A. Maurer, Nick Scerbakov
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