

Combining shared-coin algorithms

13 years 11 months ago
Combining shared-coin algorithms
This paper shows that shared coin algorithms can be combined to optimize several complexity measures, even in the presence of a strong adversary. By combining shared coins of Bracha and Rachman [10] and of Aspnes and Waarts [7], this yields a shared coin algorithm, and hence, a randomized consensus algorithm, with O(n log2 n) individual work and O(n2 log n) total work, using single-writer registers. This improves upon each of the above shared coins (where the former has a high cost for individual work, while the latter reduces it but pays in the total work), and is currently the best for this model. Another application is to prove a construction of Saks, Shavit, and Woll [16], which combines a shared coin algorithm that takes O(1) time in failure-free executions, with one that takes O(log n) time in executions where at most √ n process fail, and another one that takes O( n3 n−f ) time in any other execution.
James Aspnes, Hagit Attiya, Keren Censor
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JPDC
Authors James Aspnes, Hagit Attiya, Keren Censor
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