

Combining Temporal Logics for Querying XML Documents

14 years 8 months ago
Combining Temporal Logics for Querying XML Documents
Close relationships between XML navigation and temporal logics have been discovered recently, in particular between logics LTL and CTL⋆ and XPath navigation, and between the µ-calculus and navigation based on regular expressions. This opened up the possibility of bringing model-checking techniques into the field of XML, as documents are naturally represented as labeled transition systems. Most known results of this kind, however, are limited to Boolean or unary queries, which are not always sufficient for complex querying tasks. Here we present a technique for combining temporal logics to capture nary XML queries expressible in two yardstick languages: FO and MSO. We show that by adding simple terms to the language, and combining a temporal logic for words together with a temporal logic for unary tree queries, one obtains logics that select arbitrary tuples of elements, and can thus be used as building blocks in complex query languages. We present general results on the expressiven...
Marcelo Arenas, Pablo Barceló, Leonid Libki
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICDT
Authors Marcelo Arenas, Pablo Barceló, Leonid Libkin
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