

Combining Workstations and Supercomputers to Support Grid Applications: The Parallel Tomography Experience

14 years 4 months ago
Combining Workstations and Supercomputers to Support Grid Applications: The Parallel Tomography Experience
Computational Grids are becoming an increasingly important and powerful platform for the execution of largescale, resource-intensive applications. However, it remains a challenge for applications to tap into the potential of Grid resources in order to achieve performance. In this paper, we illustrate how work queue applications can leverage Grids to achieve performance through coallocation. We describe our experiences developing a scheduling strategy for a production tomography application targeted to Grids that contain both workstations and parallel supercomputers. Our strategy uses dynamic information exported by a supercomputer’s batch scheduler to simultaneously schedule tasks on workstations and immediately available supercomputer nodes. This strategy is of great practical interest because it combines resources available to the typical research lab: time-shared workstations and CPU time in remote space-shared supercomputers. We show that this strategy improves the performance o...
Shava Smallen, Walfredo Cirne, Jaime Frey, Francin
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where HCW
Authors Shava Smallen, Walfredo Cirne, Jaime Frey, Francine Berman, Richard Wolski, Mei-Hui Su, Carl Kesselman, Stephen J. Young, Mark H. Ellisman
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