

Command line or pretty lines?: comparing textual and visual interfaces for intrusion detection

14 years 7 months ago
Command line or pretty lines?: comparing textual and visual interfaces for intrusion detection
Intrusion detection (ID) is one of network security engineers' most important tasks. Textual (command-line) and visual interfaces are two common modalities used to support engineers in ID. We conducted a controlled experiment comparing a representative textual and visual interface for ID to develop a deeper understanding about the relative strengths and weaknesses of each. We found that the textual interface allows users to better control the analysis of details of the data through the use of rich, powerful, and flexible commands while the visual interface allows better discovery of new attacks by offering an overview of the current state of the network. With this understanding, we recommend designing a hybrid interface that combines the strengths of textual and visual interfaces for the next generation of tools used for intrusion detection. Author Keywords Intrusion detection, network security, user study, textual interfaces, visual interfaces ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 [...
Ramona Su Thompson, Esa M. Rantanen, William Yurci
Added 13 Aug 2010
Updated 13 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CHI
Authors Ramona Su Thompson, Esa M. Rantanen, William Yurcik, Brian P. Bailey
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