

CommandTalk: A Spoken-Language Interface for Battlefield Simulations

14 years 4 months ago
CommandTalk: A Spoken-Language Interface for Battlefield Simulations
CommandTalk is a spoken-language interface to battlefield simulations that allows the use of ordinary spoken English to create forces and control measures, assign missions to forces, modify missions during execution, and control simulation system functions. CommandTalk combines a number of separate components integrated through the use of the Open Agent Architecture, including the Nuance speech recognition system, the Gemini naturallanguage parsing and interpretation system, a contextual-interpretation modhle, a "push-to-talk" agent, the ModSAF battlefield simulator, and "Start-It" (a graphical processing-spawning agent). CommandTalk is installed at a number of Government and contractor sites, including NRaD and the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center. It is currently being extended to provide exercise-time control of all simulated U.S. forces in DARPA's STOW 97 demonstration. 1 Overview CommandTalk is a spoken-language interface to synthetic forces in entit...
Robert C. Moore, John Dowding, Harry Bratt, Jean M
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where ANLP
Authors Robert C. Moore, John Dowding, Harry Bratt, Jean Mark Gawron, Yonael Gorfu, Adam Cheyer
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